MTune 1.144 and earlier versions have an issue where the injector flow tracking set to flow table had an issue not to use the injector flow table values.
Example setting in MTune 1.144 and earlier which did not use the values from the injector flow table.
This injector flow values was previously used instead of the actual table values.
After the MTune 1.145 update this setting is labeled as INVALID setting and will throw this tune warning.
The previously setting labeled flow table are now called invalid setting.
To get rid of the tune warning, change the injector flow to fixed flow with default pressure compensation.
Note: If your car is tuned and runs fine, you can simply just change this setting, and nothing further needs to be done.
Simply, just select the fourth setting labeled flow table, and the system will use the injector flow from that very table.
If you are uncertain, please contact your tuner or MaxxECU HQ.