closed loop lambda regulator
Lambda controller type
Specifies which lambda controller type to use, or completely disables lambda.
Wide band controller uses lambda target table as target for the closed loop regulator.
Narrow bands target is always lambda 1 since sensor has a limited output signal.
lambda feedback conditions
Specifies the lowest coolant temperature to activate closed loop lambda regulator.
Note: Some external wide band controllers might not work good in cold conditions, please be aware when adjusting this setting. Narrow band sensors should not be controlling fuel on cold conditions.
Min run time
Specifies minimum engine run time before activation of closed loop lambda regulator can be done.
Transient deactivation
rate type
Specifies which transient deactivation mode should be used.
•change per cycle (old) - The transient deactivation is from change per cycle.
•rate/sec (recommended) - The transient deactivation is based on changes per second (rate/second) and is the recommended setting.
Max TPS delta/rate
Specifies TPS delta/rate at which the closed loop lambda controller is deactivated.
The lambda regulator must be turned off for a short period during acceleration and then reactivated.
Max MAP delta/rate
Specifies how much change in the MAP sensor to deactivate closed loop lambda regulator.
The lambda regulator must be turned of for a short period of time during acceleration and then reactivated.
The RealTime Data values used to set the transient deactivation.
reactivation delay
Specifies the delay (in seconds) from any fuel/ignition cut, or overrun cut to allow the lambda value to recover before activating the control again.
reactivation delay
Specifies whether to use a fixed list or the new dynamic table with 4D possibilities.
•Fixed - Uses a a fixed time value.
•table - Uses a dynamic table that can be used with 4D as the time value.
Note: The reactivation delay is mostly for fuel/ign cut and launchcontrol. Deactivation of the lambda control means the current lambda control value (s) are locked until the control starts again, they are NOT zeroed out.
Lambda regulator
Controller frequency Mode
Specifies how many times per second fuel should be adjusted.
•rpm based - Uses a a fixed table list.
•user table - Uses a dynamic table that can be used with 4D.
Step size
Specifies how fast fuel should be adjusted when using narrow band sensor.
Regulator gain
Specifies how fast fuel changes should be done when using wide band sensor.
MAx negative correction
Specifies maximum negative fuel corrections in % to be applied.
Max positive correction
Specifies maximum positive fuel adjustments that can be applied.
Note: Please be caution to not use to much negative/positive compensation during high load of engine, in cause of sensor failure. Do not use compensations in high load when using a narrow band sensor.