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MaxxECU online help

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Common operations

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Note: All the below operations can be done with engine running, no need to restart ECU or similar.



Change axis source


1. Right click on the axis, Select change axis source, use the automatic rescale option or not, press OK and follow the instructions to change axis source.

Note: Most tables are changeable on the axis.



2. Use the search box, or select the new axis you want, press OK button to confirm.



Rescale axis


By right clicking on the any table axis, and select rescale axis, the above dialog will be visible to perform rescaling which also including to change the number of cells.



Add/remove axis values


Right click on the axis you want to add or remove values to/from and do your selection and confirm the changes. Insertion of values can be done anytime, anywhere, except if the table is fully used already.




Example of custom axis values, where you can increase resolution in a certain area for any reasons.



Section graph view




When a axis cell is marked, a section graph view is displayed under the actual table.


Also, check out the 4D feature.