turn signal settings
input type
•Stalks/switch - Turn signals are ON (blinking) as long as the inputs are active.
•momentary buttons - Hold the button for over 1 second to latch the turn signals on, and a single push to turn off.
Stops the turn signal output after time has passed. 0 means no limit and will blink forever.
latch time
An input signal longer than this will latch the turn signal ON (Turned OFF by another input pulse).
one touch blink
Whether to blink 2-4 times when a "short" input signal is detected.
•2 blinks
•3 blinks
•4 blinks
cancel mode
Sets the behavior when the turn signals are ON in one direction and a pulse in the opposite direction is received.
Signal frequency
The frequency of the blink (blink rate) specified at blinks per minute.